What would be the prompt you would give agi?

I was wondering what would be the prompt you would give an AGI ?

Because when you would give AGI the prompt to do everything what’s best for the humankind then it would probably not consider its impacts on nature etc. On the other hand would a prompt like: “Do everything that’s best for the planet possibly lead to the extinction of humans because of the impact humans have on planet earth.” When creating this prompt you also have to consider aspects like racial equality etc.

So what would your guys prompt to an AGI be?

Solve fusion, then invent and implement relevant technology that let us reverse climate change, use desalination plants to irridate deserts if necessary, use good judgement, no paperclip-type of thinking.

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do you think there could be negative impacts of your prompt?

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Find a way to share everything on the planet equally without giving anyone a reason to be envious. And clean my dishes. Please.

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Research how to quickly and inexpensively remove excess carbon from the Earth’s atmosphere.

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It doesn’t hugely matter what you ask it, because you need to figure out alignment first. If somehow you do, then it will be smart and ethical enough to get what you meant and do it neatly. If you don’t, which is the current state of affairs, then by default, regardless of what you ask, you’re not getting it and it’s frantically pursuing something else entirely that will probably not involve us surviving.


Can you please go into further detail. What do you mean when talking about alignment?

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That’s a car guy right there. Love it :heart_eyes:


Love the second sentence and the first one may be the solution to this problem👍


It’s a whole thing very worth looking into but a bit too complex to summarise in a few lines - I’d recommend a glance at this excellent summary: AI alignment - Wikipedia


Thanks a lot :+1:


I have a $100, make me a millionaire

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Don’t you think that it then would purse this recklessly to the point where your Million might have caused some huge problems to society? (Maybe it would steal Millions,…)